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In the U.S., if you do not fly your flag everyday, here is a special occasion to put out the sign of your patriotism! In 1949, President Truman decided to consolidate the individual Army, Navy, Marine, etc. days into one as a means of signifying the unification of all the military forces under a single government. (The Marines did not give up their day, but also celebrate AFD.)


The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on Saturday, 20 May 1950. Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May. Due to their unique schedules, the National Guard and the Reserve units may celebrate AFD/Week any time in May.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953 – “Today let us, as Americans, honor the American fighting man. For it is he – the soldier, the sailor, the Airman, the Marine – who has fought to preserve freedom.”

Armed Forces Day 5-18