U.S. Airborne Day, 16 August


“Airborne All the Way”

Author unknown


These men with silver wings

Troopers from the sky above

In whom devotion springs

What spirit so unites them?

In brotherhood they say

Their answer loud and clear.

“Airborne All the Way.”


These are the men of danger

As in open door they stand

With static line above them

And ripcord in their hand.

While earthbound they are falling

A silent prayer they say

“Lord be with us forever,

Airborne All the Way.”


One day they’ll make their final jump

Saint Mike will tap them out

The good Lord will be waiting

He knows what they’re about

And answering in unison

He’ll hear the troopers say

“We’re glad to be aboard, Sir,

Airborne All the Way!”

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Pvt. Everett "Smitty" Smith, Camp MacKall, NC

Pvt. Everett “Smitty” Smith, Camp MacKall, NC

11th Airborne Division, 1943 Yearbook

11th Airborne Division, 1943 Yearbook

For another outstanding poem in honor of the U.S. Army Airborne – Please visit, Lee at ……

Happy Birthday US Army Airborne

Click on images to enlarge.



Army Air Corps Humor – Pilot (1)

Glider-Infantry Poster

Glider-Infantry Poster










Farewell Salutes – 

Earl Aardappel – Harrison, NE; US Army Air Corps, WWII, CBI (The Hump), 11th Combat Cargo Sq/14th AF

Harold Bell – Las Vegas, NV; US Army Air Corps, WWII, bombardier/navigatorhalfstaffflag

Dick Dennigan – St. Paul, MN; US Army Air Corps, WWII, Flight officer

David Groner – Bronx, NY; US Army Air Corps, WWII, CBI, C-46 Crew Chief, Bronze Star

Bertha Hespe – Fairview, NJ; US Army Women’s Air Corps (WAC), WWII, aircraft mechanic

Keith Kendall – LeMars, IA; US Army Air Corps, WWII, physical training instructor

Gerald Levin – Baltimore, MD; US Army Air Corps, WWII, PTO

Harold Peterson – Newton, MA; US Army Air Corps, WWII, ETO, radioman

James Short – Isabel, KS; US Army Air Corps, WWII, ETO, B-17 pilot

George Walling – Chicago, IL; US Army Air Corps, WWII, PTO, B-17 radar


About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on August 16, 2016, in Current News, SMITTY, Uncategorized, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 57 Comments.

  1. GP: I have posted a link to this page on my site as well. Lee Austin

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Made me think of “Ballad of the Green Beret” by Barry Sadler.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always appreciate a great Military tribute poem gp, and yours is a great tribute to the Airborne, it actually reminded me of that song, The Ballad of The Green Beret, I’m sure you have heard it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I thought of my father-in-law jumping out of a plan over Burma into the jungle, with it pitch black outside and a storm raging. –Curt

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed the “troops humor” recruiting ad for glider troops. .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such an inspirational poem. Beautiful. 🙂


  7. To this day I still say things like “are we good to hook?” And “ATTENTION TO DETAIL…with a silent ‘airborne!'” at the end. Was probably the most fun school I attended.

    My three fractured ribs still ache when we have dramatic changes in weather… Which is why I needed some Advil before bed last night 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  8. very nice poem
    thank you for sharing
    love it


  9. Is this a poem or lyrics of a song? If it’s not a song, it would be great if someone can make a musical out of this poem! 🙂


  10. like these lines – feel the danger, the passion the love for service

    These are the men of danger

    As in open door they stand

    With static line above them

    And ripcord in their hand.

    While earthbound they are falling

    A silent prayer they say

    “Lord be with us forever,

    Airborne All the Way.”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I apologise for the length of this—(tune ‘John Brown’s Body’)

    He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright,
    He checked all his equipment and made sure his pack was tight;
    He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar,
    “You ain’t gonna jump no more!”

    (CHORUS: Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more!

    “Is everybody happy?” cried the Sergeant looking up,
    Our Hero feebly answered “Yes,” and then they stood him up;
    He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock,
    He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop,
    The silk from his reserves spilled out, and wrapped around his legs,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome,
    Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones;
    The canopy became his shroud; he hurtled to the ground.
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    The days he’d lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind,
    He thought about the girl back home, the one he’d left behind;
    He thought about the medic corps, and wondered what they’d find,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild,
    The medics jumped and screamed with glee, they rolled their sleeves and smiled,
    For it had been a week or more since last a ‘Chute had failed,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    He hit the ground, the sound was “SPLAT”, his blood went spurting high;
    His comrades, they were heard to say “A hell of a way to die!”
    He lay there, rolling ’round in the welter of his gore,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.


    (slowly, solemnly; about half the speed of the other verses)
    There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute,
    Intestines were a-dangling from his paratroopers suit,
    He was a mess, they picked him up, and poured him from his boots,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more.

    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
    He ain’t gonna jump no more!

    —just sorta thunk you’d like it (brings back a few memories, hmm?).


    • Who wrote this? A song about a streamer?


      • I remember Brits singing it … but there was a reference in there to “the Sergeant was the last to jump, the first to reach the ground…” that’s missing in the above.
        Effectively that and some of the chorus was all I could remember, so I googled it and somewhere pulled in the lyrics above.

        (In the Brit forces they referred to ‘candling’ or ‘Roman candles’ for someone getting the quick way down)(they had only one chute and no reserve in those days—not much point in having two anyway, there wasn’t a great deal of time at combat jump heights).


  12. Found it—

    —his performance may seem a little unpolished, but the guy was a soldier, dammit, not a hippie.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. That recruitment poster — I love it! And the hints of cynicism in the cartoons. (Did you miss a trick here? But there’s still time to pop in a reference to Barry Sadler’s haunting ‘Green Beret’ song … (from memory, ‘Ballad of the Green Beret’?)(Dammit … I’ll have to go search).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, I remember Sgt. Sadler’s song – all the words too – I used to have his album. I’ll have to put it on the list for a future date. Thanks for the reminder.


  14. It took a lot of guts to do these men’s jobs!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Loved the poem and pictures. Can only imagine when you are on the edge of the plane and looking down. Probably couldn’t make the jump. Courage for those that do! Airborne All the Way!”.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations to the Screaming Eagles and the other Airborne units. They continue the valuable legacy left by those who went before.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. ‘Currahee’ GP. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. CMETZ Designs for unique posters

    Very nice, nostalgic pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Thank you for honoring these men.


  20. Thank you very much for helping me to keep these men in the minds of the public.


  21. You sharing these posts is very much appreciated!


  1. Pingback: FEATURED BLOGGER: 78th National Airborne Day By //Pacific Paratrooper | ' Ace Worldwide History '

  2. Pingback: U.S. Airborne Day, 16 August — Pacific Paratrooper |

  3. Pingback: U.S. Airborne Day, 16 August | libertybelle diaries

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