Lest We Forget

Pierre Lagacé, the master of 19 blogs, always has time to assist and research for someone else. Here is an example of why he does so much!

RCAF 425 Alouettes


How I came to write several blogs about WWII and about veterans is a very long story which started back in July 2009.

How I came to know Jacques Gagnon is also a very long story. Meeting Jacques Gagnon in 2011 led to a guest post he wrote in French on this blog about 425 Les Alouettes one week ago. This is the English translation of the meeting Jacques Gagnon had with a veteran air gunner Jacques “Coco” Morin.

collection Jacques Morin - Jacques Morin Mont-Joli 1942

Collection Jacques “Coco” Morin (Mont-Joli, Quebec – 1944)

Jacques Gagnon wrote the text and he sent me pictures his wife took of the meeting. I rarely put personal pictures of people on this blog. I am always relunctant to do so. These pictures on the other hand help to better understand what you will read.

The original text was written in French and automatic translation did not do justice to…

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Posted on July 2, 2014, in Uncategorized, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Fascinating historical story
    Seems there must be more to the story to yet be uncovered.


  2. That was fascinating, Pierre. Thanks for sharing. We need to keep track of these memories–one of the benefits of themed blogs like GP’s.


    • Pierre Lagacé

      Every time someone wants to share something I will share with my readers.

      Posting a story on the Internet will enable someone to find it using a search engine like Google.

      This is how Sharon Tremblay found my blog about her father-in-law’s crew. She had pieces of the puzzle. Mr. Morin had been looking for his old friend since 1946.

      There are so many messages in that story that I had to translate it in English even if I did it only to thank Sharon for sharing all the pictures she had.

      I had the Eddy Marcoux’s daughter who wrote me once, but never wrote back. Another person asked information about Montigny… No follow-up. The bomb aimer’s daughter shared everything she had about her father Jean Ouellet who became well-known architect after the war. Great stories if you can read French.

      On this post you will see the pictures and the scans Marie-Hélène sent me in 2013 when she found my blog.

      25 avril 1945: Wangerooge

      This is what her father wrote about his memoirs… just a page where he tells about the 2000 pound bomb that missed the plane.

      Mr. Morin recalls it as being a 1000 pound bomb, but it was a 2000 pound bomb.

      That does not matter…

      If a bomb had hit the plane, no one would have survived, and Sharon would not have married Georges’ son, nor Marie-Helène would have ever written about her father… nor I would have been writing all these stories about that crew.

      See what I mean?

      Thank you for your comment.



  3. The pictures are very good. Especially considering how much harder it was to get and retain photos in that time.


  4. Pierre Lagacé

    Thank you GP.
    This is a beautiful story. I am very proud about the fact that I was able to bring solace to Mr. Morin. I will try to visit him next week.

    I am taking a break for this summer on my blogs unless something pops up out of the blue.
    I will keep reading your blog and get some inspiration.


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