A national tribute to Bob Hope and the military.

What better way to make the transition from the Korean War back to WWII than with paying a tribute to a man who went far out of his way to bring servicemen and women a smile!

About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on May 1, 2014, in Korean War, Uncategorized, Vietnam, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 67 Comments.

  1. A great tribute to a great man.
    That nose and chin always gave more laughter to his jokes.


  2. I loved watching the USO shows on TV. Seeing the joy on those men made me teary eyed


  3. There’s not much I can add to all the other comments already made. I do miss Bob Hope and a bunch of the other old comedians.


  4. You know what’s cooler, gpcox? It’s only 90 minutes away…with no traffic! 🙂 Nice reblog.




  6. So glad that they have the monument and memorials to him. I remember watching the shows and agree that he had a real love for the military. I wish I still had it but in high school wrote a letter to him thanking him for all that he did for the military. He sent a picture and signed the bottom ‘Thanks for the Memories’.


  7. Bob Hope’s reepect for US service people was the most genuine of any celebrity. I believe that he felt it whenever he thought of every soul that perished each day that he told jokes, planned film productions and television appearances and socialized with America’s elite. I believe that he felt a tremendous need to pay it back, and he tried by entertaining and doing all the things he did for the people of Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and National Guard, and their families.

    Quite a man.


    • You pegged him exactly right, Allan! I also liked that he showed the American people the films of him being over there (wherever the troops were), to try and bring that spirit home and spark the patriotism he felt. Your comment is fantastic, thank you.


  8. What a great idea! What a happy sculpture and with so much about it for people to relate to and remember.


  9. I still listen to the Bob Hope show in my old time classic channel on my XM radio, too funny..:-)


    • I can understand that, Ed. His type of comedy never goes out of style. Some comedians you can listen to so much, you know the routines by heart and – they’re still funny!


      • I just bought the best of Jack Benny, 18+ hours of pure comedy genius and to get to see all the stars who were on his show, including Bob Hope..:-)


        • Oh, I adore all those old shows – back when you didn’t have to pay millions just to get one celebrity on your show like today. They had fresh material all the time and didn’t feel they had to curse their fool heads off to try and sound funny!! That’s what I call a professional and Benny was another in that great generation of pros!


  10. I remember the Bob Hope shows during the Vietnam War. My family always enjoyed watching them on TV.


    • Oh yes! I remember those now that you mention it; they used to bring me to tears seeing the men grasping at every second of fun they could get. Great memory, Sheryl.


  11. Thanks so much for posting. Bob Hope was really one in a million!


  12. Been there. He was a wonderful entertainer for our troops.


  13. Love that man! Always have, always will! I wasn’t aware of that memorial. Very cool! 🙂


  14. I had the privileged of working Bob Hope only once. Every good thing you hear about the man is absolutely true. He had a reputation of being a favorite for stagehands for all his career. And of course, a favorite of our military personnel. Thanks for this post, GP.


    • And thank you, Don for proving to us that everything we believed about Hope was true!! (It’s sad when an idol has to be taken down a peg.)


  15. I’d never heard of this memorial! He truly was a national treasure, and hundreds of thousands of men and women must have seen him in war theatres and abroad doing his shows. A wonderful tribute to the USO and one of the greats of American comedy.


  16. Great man, comedian, and memorial.


  17. I can’t believe we missed this thanks so much!!


  18. He was very long-lived, too. Laughter is the best medicine.


  19. This is wonderful – such a great tribute. Thank you for bringing this to my awareness and of course to others, gpcox. It is the deeds such as those of Bob Hope that complete the caring for the mind and souls of those in battles – for battles fought were and are for the whole community and soldiers deserve many forms of gratitude such as the ones Hope went out of his way to show.


  20. “ya gotta feel sorry for the folks back home, they can’t get any powdered eggs … they have to make do with the old-fashioned kind, the ones you break open …”

    Love the guy~!


  21. Some people give back from their hearts. He was one of them. A great American.


  22. I love statues like this. There is one at the Richard Nixon Museum and I thought I had walked into a meeting at first.


    • Amazing detail, isn’t?! I love these memorials as well, that’s why when I spotted this, I had to copy the address for just this occasion. Thanks for stopping in, Dan.


  23. That’s so great. Really captures the spirit of Bob Hope.


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