Battle of Manila: Softening Corregidor

The Manila and Manila Bay areas saw much of the war…


In the weeks before the Battle of Manila began on February 3, 1945, ground troop commanders requested the help of heavy bombers to knock out some of the Japanese defenses built on Corregidor and Grande Islands. The two islands would be of strategic import in the coming battle, particularly Corregidor, which sits at the mouth of Manila Bay. General MacArthur approved of this on January 22nd, causing the 22nd Bomb Group to spare the Japanese airfields and give some attention to Luzon.

Liberators from the Group took off on the 24th, each loaded with five 1000-pound bombs. Many targets were marked out, including two large coastal defense guns and ammo installations scattered about Grande Island. Results were excellent, with several bombs hitting a powder magazine and and ammunition storage area. They flew back to base without incident.

On the 26th, the 22nd was scheduled to hit Corregidor Island. Approximately 6000…

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About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on February 4, 2018, in Uncategorized, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. This is history I never learned in school. Thank you, again, GP!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent recorded facts such as posted here, illustrate the affects the war had on nearly all islands of the South Pacific, those islands today, bear scars of their uncalled for involvement in the war, not only with remnants of wars machinery but also in the scars carried by the descendants of the civilians involved.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was especially interesting because — for whatever reason — I remember Corregidor from my school years. Perhaps it was part of the curriculum, or perhaps I read about it in a book, but it’s good to get more context, and additional details.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m surprised you learned about the P.I. in school, Linda, but I’m happy to hear some curriculum had it. I’m thrilled you are finding all this interesting.


  4. What a fantastic reblogging blogpost

    Liked by 2 people

  5. What a nice surprise to see you reblogging another one of our posts. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m enjoying the book. I’m going to look for their other books after I finished this one.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for sharing this blog post AND blog site with us, GP!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I cannot imagine the courage it takes to defend our country. If pray that we never take these brave men and women for granted. Putting your life on the line is the ultimate sacrifice and we are eternally grateful. Thank you for another informational post GP!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We used to spend the weekend on Grande Island. It was a Navy recreation area with old barracks-type accommodations and cabins, swimming pool, and covered picnic areas. Some of the old gun batteries were still there as well as the watchtowers. It was a 20 minute boat ride from Officer’s Landing at Subic Bay Naval Station. I have some photos of the island, but I wish I had taken more with an eye toward the historical, wartime aspect. I hope you get the chance, GP, to visit someday. The bases are gone, of course, but the entire area is built up into a free trade zone and tourist area. I’d love to return.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Thanks for finding this, and especially yesterday’s story. That was extremely moving.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. We watched a great documentary last night about the Battle of Okinawa—and the eventual dropping of both atomic bombs—a truly amazing time—one that I wish all our kids could see and if they did they might understand a bit more why as to why it is considered so disrespectful to turn one’s back or to take a knee at the rising of our flag or during the National Anthem—they might not be here to do so had it not been for those brave fighting men!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Another good reblog from IHRA, GP. Always detailed and interesting.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Thanks for reblogging this. I did not know about this site. I just started reading The Battle of Manila by Connaughton, Pimlott and Anderson. Should be an interesting read following the movement of the troops.

    Liked by 1 person

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