Labor Day

In the style of the 1950’s, I would like to exhibit how we often celebrate the first Monday of September and honor our workers and their contribution to America.

Thomas Kinkade's tribute to Indianapolis Speedway

Thomas Kinkade’s tribute to Indianapolis Speedway


Share with the rest of us your own stories or those of your families………….

The first NYC Labor Day Parade

The first NYC Labor Day Parade


Norman Rockwell's Labor Day Tribute

Norman Rockwell’s Labor Day Tribute


For those of you outside the U.S., please share with us what you, your families and/or your friends might also celebrate around this time of year……………….





a good old fashioned Labor Day bar-b-que

a good old fashioned Labor Day bar-b-que


Nick Savage racing car 1950

Nick Savage racing car 1950



Another wonderful example of Labor Day was posted by a fellow blogger at: see address below:


A current story and wonderful tribute……..

80 mile tribute

80 mile tribute

Click on images to enlarge.


Farewell Salutes –

Good Conduct Medals

Good Conduct Medals

James Joyner – Bellevue, Nebraska & Arlington, VA; U.S. Coast Guard, Sr. Chief Petty Officer, WWII, Korea & Vietnam

Donald Jackson – Oskaloosa, Iowa & Seattle, WA; U.S. Army, Alaska

Larry Kessinger – Junction City, Kansas & Surprise, AZ; U.S. Air Force, Korean Service Medal, UN Service Medal

Lucille Parsons Balcom – Orange, NJ & Fishers Island, NY; WWII, American Red Cross

Jack Riggle – Arizona; U.S. Navy WWII< PTO


About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on September 2, 2013, in Korean War, Uncategorized, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented:
    This is a bit late, but I’m still superbehind in my emails. I think they’re multiplying like rabbits. I hope everyone had a blessed and joyous Labor Day.


  2. Thanks for such a great post! I loved reading how others celebrated Labor Day. I’ve been worrying that patriotism was dead. It’s good to know it’s very much alive and well.


    • It is around here. We have a nice community of people that stop here and many are becoming friends with not just me, but each other. Glad you enjoyed the post and found it good enough for your readers. Thank you.


  3. In our Montana town Labor Day always includes a PRCA rodeo.


  4. On Labor Day, I always think of the musical, The Pajama Game, where Doris Day fights for a 7 1/2 % raise for the workers in a garment factory. Seeing that as a girl probably did more to make me sympathetic to union workers than all the photos of John L. Lewis in my history texts.


  5. A lovely tribute! I hope you had a great labour day weekend.


  6. I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend !


  7. In southeastern Ohio, Labor Day is a day to relax with family and friends. Picnics in the park followed by a band concert shared with friends are all that are needed for a relaxing day. When they start off the concert with the Star Spangled Banner and prayer, it gives hope for the future of America. Hats are removed, the military salute, others put their hand on their heart, and a few have tears in their eyes.


  8. Hope you enjoyed the holiday and thanks for these great posts!


  9. I so enjoyed this post gp! The picture of the bbq reminded me of my family’s family reunion – usually around this time of year 🙂 Loved the featured car photo! Would you mind if I sent that to my husband’s brother? He restores and builds race car engines.
    It’s good to see you again. I’ve been away and hope I haven’t missed too much from you. Enjoy the day! Until next time…


    • Happy to see you back, I’ve been looking for you. By all means – send the picture. The post seems to have brought a smile to your face – and that means it served its purpose!


  10. Workers aren’t honored any more. No pension, no paid vacation or sick leave, no med ins, no paid holidays and $9.50 an hour – take it or leave it. The megabanks and megacorps have been astonishingly successful in convincing that this exploitation is the fault of labor unions who are actually the only advocate workers have. I have a solution for unemployment: “If you sell it here it has to be made here.” This would allow foreign investment and foreign profit but keep the jobs here.

    You have been doing a great job on your Korea series. Hope you are keeping a file for future publication. Self publish with createspace/amazon is the best deal out there for this.


  11. I looked up Orlando FL Labor Day events. Hmm, looks like just another tourist day around here. I know some places still remember why we have Labor Day but I didn’t find anything around here. Maybe I just didn’t look in the right place. Oh, wait, at least 47% of people in this country don’t labor anymore….


  12. Many thousands still march here in our Toronto Labour Day Parade which started in the 1800s as a fight for the 58 hour work week. I’ve marched over the years although far more families use it for an end of summer outing. Happy Labour Day from Canada.


    • Thanks for adding the Canadian news. Most here just use it as an excuse to bar-b-que, especially since the grocery stores all have their sales going on for ribs, sauce,corn-on-the-cob, etc.


  13. In the UK, we don’t celebrate a ‘Labor Day’ as such, but the last Monday in August is always a Bank Holiday, which means most of us get a day off work to enjoy the sunshine…if the capriciousness of English summer weather allows us to do so ;)…


  14. I’m a BBQ girl…steaks tonight! 🙂

    A friend of mine was a dealer and personal friend of Thomas KInkaide and several times since his death last year, she has donated some of his work in memorium. I know one picture of firemen with a dog at a fire station went to the station house where the Arizona 19 came from to honor the memory of those brave men.

    Great story about the “walk to Miami”…but why Miami? Something significant or just a place on the map?


    • The article doe not mention why he picked that particular route. He just says, “So many of the men who died there would have gone on to do great things. The best way to honor the sacrifice of those who died is to somehow make America better.”

      I have always adored Kinkaid’s paintings and was shocked when I heard of his passing. So nice that the firemen received his work of art depicting them.


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