for the Veterans – Military Appreciation Month

Martha Cothren with her class

This is a contribution from my brother for the veterans!  There is a lesson here that the students of Little Rock High School will never forget.  I would presume also that most students would never have given this a thought……

In September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a History teacher at Robinson High School in Little Rock , did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks in her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were no desks.

‘Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?’

 She replied, ‘You can’t have a desk until you tell me how you earn the right to sit at a desk.’ 

 They thought, ‘Well, maybe it’s our grades.’ ‘No,’ she said.

 ‘Maybe it’s our behavior.’ She told them, ‘No, it’s not even your behavior.’

Martha Cothren

 And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still no desks in the classroom. Kids called their parents to tell them what was happening and by early afternoon television news crews had started gathering at the school to report about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of her room.

 The final period of the day came and as the puzzled students found seats on the floor of the desk-less classroom. Martha Cothren said, ‘Throughout the day no one has been able to tell me just what he or she has done to earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now I am going to tell you.’

 At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniform, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began

Martha Cothren with veterans

placing the school desks in rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside the wall. By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been earned.

 Martha said, ‘You didn’t earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. They went halfway around the world, giving up their education and interrupting their careers and families so you could have the freedom you have. Now, it’s up to you to sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don’t ever forget it.’ 


By the way, this is a true story. And this teacher was awarded the Veterans of Foreign Wars Teacher of the Year for the State of Arkansas in 2006. She is the daughter of a WWII POW.


Military Humor – 



Farewell Salutes – 

Verdun Affleck – Timaru, NZ; RNZ Army # 8383, WWII, 20th NZ Btn., driver

Tommy Haynes – Abanda, AL; US Navy, WWII, Sea Bees

Joseph Hillman Jr. – Rock Run, GA; US Army Air Corps, WWII, Korea & Vietnam, Engineers (Ret. 30 Years)

Ralph Iossa – Madison, NJ; US Army Air Corps, WWII, PTO, Sgt., 11th Airborne Division

Adolph Kiefer – Chicago, IL; US Navy, WWII, [Olympian swimmer]

Ralph Pierman – Shawnee, OK; US Navy, WWII, Carpenter 1st Mate, LST-471, 3 Bronze Stars

Wilburn Ross – Whitley City, KY; US Army, WWII, ETO, MSgt. (Ret.), Purple Heart, Medal of Honor

Kenji Tashiro – CA; US Army, WWII, ETO,  MSgt., 442 RCT / Korea & Vietnam

Leo Thorsness – Walnut Grove, MN; US Air Force, Vietnam, POW, Medal of Honor

Julius Younger – NYC, NY; US Army, WWII, Manhattan Project



About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on May 18, 2017, in Current News, Home Front and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 140 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Home of the free and commented:
    Wer verstehen will, wie Amerikas Verständnis für die Veteranen aussieht, dem lege ich diesen Text ans Herz.
    Manchmal sollten wir allesamt innehalten um uns bei jenen Menschen zu bedanken, die ihr Leben für uns alle riskierten!
    Es ist eine kleine Geste, die in sich ein unglaublich tiefes Herz birgt.
    Danke all den Veteranen! Danke all jenen, die für unsere Freiheit ihr eigenes Leben riskierten!


  2. Wow. This is a really great story. Thank you for posting it.
    A lot of people don’t see how much work and life good chances costs.
    So we have to thank all veterans for our freedom today! They risked there lifes for all of us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for feeling that way. It is so true, yet so many fail to see it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My boyfriend worked years ago in the austrian Special-Forces Jako. He told me so much about this time. When i read this post, i got tears in my eyes. Like other readers say, this was a great lession schoolkids never forget.

        All I do, my blog, my work and my donations I´m giving is a hommage to all soldiers now and in the past. Our generation in Austria (Europe) never learned this feeling.
        Last year, i visited Butte (Montana) in my vacation – and i understood!

        GP Cox – i love your blog. You write great and all I can say to your work:
        Thank you! Because you help understanding!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, that teacher should earn even more commendations than that. What a wonderful homage to our military. That story had me tearing up. Thanks for sharing it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Very inspiring.
    There are quite a few people who need reminding of our freedoms that were hard fought for and need treasuring.

    I like teachers who think out of the box and create unique days.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for taking the time to come by, Charlotte. You have a busy schedule and a wonderful career. Let’s hope we always have these freedoms to enjoy!
      The unique teachers do make a lasting impression, don’t they?!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. High-impact visual for heartfelt lesson! 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The Twentysomething Social Recluse

    I love that story. It is a great way to teach children about everything that the veterans have done for us!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That is a great story! I can’t think of a better way to teach that lesson!

    Liked by 2 people

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