Easter 1950’s Style

A child's Easter card from the '50s

A child’s Easter card from the ’50s


I wish ALL who pass by here to have a wonderful weekend, no matter what your religious belief – we are ALL one.  I hope this site enhances your memories or knowledge of the eras I speak of and you will try to Remember.  I sincerely Thank each and everyone of you for your past and hopefully future cooperation.  HAPPY EASTER, FOLKS!!!


Typical ads in the '50s

Typical ads in the ’50s

Ready to take that Easter picture '50s style?

Ready to take that Easter picture ’50s style?





Fancy baking in the '50s!!

Fancy baking in the ’50s!!

Have a 1950's Doris Day kind of Easter?

Have a 1950’s Doris Day kind of Easter


Observe a Passover seder.

Observe a Passover seder.














Captain Emil Kapaun, Chaplain, POW, Hero; Korean War

Captain Emil Kapaun, Chaplain, POW, Hero; Korean War

Men from many countries fought for you.

Men from many countries fought for you.













Further information on Father Kapaun can be located at my site which will lead you to Wiki.


Farewell Salutes – 

Bernie Alwill – Bullard, TX; US Army Air Corps, WWII, E Co/187th Reg/11th A/B, PTO

George “Bill” Bullock – Little Compton, RI & Juno, FL; US Navy, WWII, signalman16292

Walter “Jim” Hillyer – Christchurch, NZ; Serv.# 275956, 23rd Battalion, WWII

Lathrop Hoffman – South Bend, IN; US Army, WWII, 1stLt., Burma-China Theater

Frank Nowobilski – Tinley Park, IL; US Army, Korea

Gerry Presley – Palm Beach Gardens, FL; US Army, Vietnam

Mark Schindler – Addison, PA; US Army; Korea, Cpl.

Kenneth Toy – Montreal, Can.; Royal Canadian Army, WWII

Katherine Vorel – Downers Grove, IL; WAVES, WWII

Sir Owen (Arthur) Woodhouse – Auckland, NZ; RNZNVR







About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on April 19, 2014, in Korean War, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 106 Comments.

  1. Thank You for commenting on my poem ‘session’ i appreciate it deeply
    and i enjoy your site very much


  2. Well and truely late in getting to this post my friend.
    Always great to see old nostalgic festive season postcards.
    I like the pic of the chaplain and soldier, chaplains give a lot of comfort and solace in wars, and always appear at the right times.


    • It’s never too late to visit any post, Ian – you never complain when I search into your archives – do you? lol The courage of chaplains in combat has always amazed me, I wouldn’t know how to to give them the recognition they deserve.


  3. I’m a tad late! Nice Easter post. Yes, we should never forget. Thanks for the lovely images and reminders that religion is but one of those freedoms we sometimes take for granted.


  4. I’m a bit after the fair, so I hope you had a Happy Easter.


  5. Happy Belated Easter 🙂


  6. I love all these old ads and cards. They’re great to look back on. I hope you had a lovely Easter 🙂


  7. That ‘family camera’ one struck a chord.
    My first ever camera was a Brownie 127 — I especially liked it ‘cos it was an eye-level camera. The wheel seems to have turned full circle, with many these days peering into an arm’s length camera …

    A very Happy Easter to you and yours … Good Luck!


    • I have one of those arm length camera and I think I took better pictures with my little aim-it and snap-it film camera! I agree with the Brownie – I had one too, a hand-me-down, but it worked! Hope you had a great day!


  8. Such memories. For years, I used to make a lamb cake–shaped like a lamb. Cover it in coconut. So cute. It’s been 10 years since I tossed the pans! Sigh.


  9. The illustration style of the fifties brings nostalgia!


  10. It’s a lovely day for a lovely post. Thanks! Easter wishes for a great new season of life! 🙂


  11. Hear, hear, same to you and thanks for sharing your history, memories and insights.


  12. So many happy memories for me. I wish it were that way for everyone. A wonderful post. Wishing you and yours a very happy Easter, GP. Hugs! 🙂


    • I agree, Linda. Thank goodness, so far, our little group here has been reporting fond memories. If the past wasn’t up to par, we need to make the future memories brighter.


  13. Even though we weren’t well off my mother always managed to get me an Easter bonnet of some kind when I was a child. I have nice memories of simple Sunday school easter parades and an egg hunt afterwards – thanks for helping me remember those things through your lovely post!


  14. Gorgeous illustrations. Happy Easter to you and yours.


  15. Thank you for the lovely nostalgia, gp, and the reminder that we must not forget the price for freedom.


  16. As Bob Hope would sing, “Thanks for the memories’. Coloring eggs, then hiding them, was one of our special Easter traditions while the boys were growing up.


    • My mom had me blow-out eggs and we’d decorate them for an “Easter tree” and the hard boiled got dyed and hidden. Dad used to tell her to make a map, because every year ONE egg would NOT get found until someone could locate the smell – oh good times! O_o


  17. Nice to see that Doris Day smile again! A great Easter to you too, and thanks for the blog. Terrific!


    • Thanks, Frederick! Doris was such a quiet, private person, I really wanted to bring her back. I remember the episode of M*A*S*H* where Colonel Potter admits to have fallen in love with her.


  18. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented:
    Happy Easter one and all


  19. Beautiful post. Thank you!


  20. Happy Easter to you too 🙂


  21. wonderful post, great memories of my growing up years! Happy Easter!


  22. thanks for the flashback – this was such a treat – and Happy Easter to you kind sir! enjoy your blog very much.


  23. Great memories ! Joyous Easter!


  24. Happy Easter to you and your family from GB, just out of interest do you have chocolate Easter eggs in the States 🙂


  25. A simple, powerful post.
    I do love the Easter memories of childhood and am thankful for all who served so that I have those memories.
    Thanks to you, too!


  26. Have a wonderful Easter . Thanks for your hard work putting out a purposeful blog . Good luck to us all for a worthwhile and fulfilling future !


    • Thanks for the Easter message, Dan. But, I think we’re going to need a lot of luck for the future. The saying goes, “God protects drunks and babies” – do you think we could get him to add in the stupid politicians? Oh well, I won’t let them spoil today for me! Happy Easter, Dan!!


  27. Loved the period artwork! Those were the days “when men were…” Oops. PC rules the day now! And while this isn’t an Easter cake, you get the message… Happy Easter to you, gpcox! https://www.flickr.com/x/t/0095009/photos/p47koji/11931555063/


    • To hell with the PC, I believe we have something called the 1st amendment and although I’ve never been one to spout about the constitution, I’m tired of people telling me what I can and can not do – I’m TOO old for that now (and have a brain made out of swiss cheese O_o so…) I thank you very much for piece of cake – it looks Delicious, right down to the fresh raspberries! HAPPY EASTER to you and yours, Koji!!


  28. The photos are truly vintage…and most of them I recall well….especially the Kodak ‘Brownie’ camera. I was 5 years old in 1955…and that looks just like the living room of the first house I remember living in.


  29. This is one of your very best posts and I commend you for it. Everything seemed so much simpler then and, somehow, were more meaningful. We were living in a happy time with the promise of a wonderful future. Is it just my cynicism or has all that been been the victim of erosion? Either way, you have definitely brightened my weekend and I thank you.


    • I thank you for putting my post in such high regard, Jim. Everything did seem more meaningful, and I know in my household, my parents were enjoying life and looking forward to a brighter future. It isn’t your cynicism that has clouded the issues, I think the men in power took those days away from us.


  30. These are wonderful, gpcox – I would like to stroll back in time and take a rest there from today’s rushed and fast living. Happy and Blessed Easter!


    • Wouldn’t THAT be nice, Ina! It was a wonderful time to grow up in.


      • Indeed it was and to top it all there was much more inventiveness in everyday lives particularly the young, making up games even toys…and the family always sat together at dinner and when TV came watched it together…:) Happy Easter, gpcox!


        • Ah yes, remember that? After dinner, we set aside at least one hour of family project time (usually just dad and I) from crafts to repairs then TV. Great memories!


  31. sue marquis bishop

    Thank you for the memories… loved the pictures! Happy Easter! sue


  32. Two of my four children were born in the 50s and I have such pleasant memories of those days. Thank you for a lovely post.


  33. May you have a great Easter.


  34. happy easter GP!!


  35. I remember the jellybeans in the little baskets filled with “grass” and beef roast with potatoes, carrots, and onion dinner. The family origins in Scotland (my mother was a first generation American) dictated lamb for Easter, but I remember only one time having that. Nobody really liked it…(but didn’t tell Mom!), so we returned to the roast beef dinner in future Easters because Mom didn’t care for the lamb, either! The mint jelly was nice, but not enough to switch us beefeaters living in a beef growing region of the US to eating Easter lamb.


  36. You have a real nice Easter, too!


  37. Lots of childhood memories triggered here. Mom used to fashion a “bunny” cake then frost it with white icing and sprinkle it with coconut. Easter baskets with plastic “grass” held candy and real eggs.


  38. What great memory pictures…..and inspiring and true words. Thank you for your service for all of us! Blessed Easter…


  39. Happy Easter, GP! I remember all of these.


  40. Pierre Lagacé

    Best wishes also GP.


  41. I think you are correct when you say we should remember that we are all one. This is such a wonderful time, but we still look for ways to divide 1 into parts and then fight about the division. Sad that we seem to fight most often over religion. I hope you are happy this weekend no matter what you celebrate.


  42. Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you too! 🙂 I remember getting Easter cards from my grandmother; somewhat like the little one with the lamb! Love reading your posts. All the best. Colleen


  43. You did a marvelous job on this as well! What a lovely tribute to the heroes.
    Happy Easter to you and yours.
    Dina xo


  44. I enjoyed this post — Happy Holiday Weekend !


  45. Fabulous collection – life was simpler then I seem to remember!


  46. Easter wishes to you too.


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