The ’40s – Springtime & Easter

With spring comes new beginnings for Nature and my renewed best wishes for all of my readers and guests. I sincerely hope these cards and advertisements from the 1940’s bring a fond memory or two or just a smile. (For those of you in the southern hemisphere – I hope you enjoy a pleasant autumn and peaceful winter.) Thank you for your continued readership.

Texas Easter bonnets, 1942

Texas Easter bonnets, 1942

1940's Easter fashion

1940’s Easter fashion

Smitty's hometown memories

Smitty’s hometown memories



1940's seder dinner

1940’s seder dinner


In other areas –wwii-sidney-kotler-easter-card

Polish 2nd Corps, Quastina, Palestine, Easter 1942

Polish 2nd Corps, Quastina, Palestine, Easter 1942

Sgt. George A. Crist, 1st cook, US 8th AF/96th Bombardment Group, teaches British lads the art of Easter egg decorating.

Sgt. George A. Crist, 1st cook, US 8th AF/96th Bombardment Group, teaches British lads the art of Easter egg decorating.








Farewell Salutes – 

Abelardo Alinaya – Born:Cavite, P.I./Oxnard, CA; US Navy (ret. 20 years), Vietnam, Bronze Star, Silver Star

Thomas Anderson – Matamata, NZ; LAC Air Force # 3021698AS YOU SLEEP

John Fuller Jr. – Wasilla, AK; USMC, WWII, PTO, Silver Star

Kerry Hunter Jr. – Pekin, IL; US Navy, Desert Shield, Desert Storm

Stanley Lloyd – Long Beach, NY; US Navy, Lt-JG, WWII

George Mosher – Port Huron, MI; US Army, WWII, ETO, 94th Infantry, Purple Heart

Robert Richard – Fitchburg, MA; US Army, Korea

W. LaVerne Strader – Willis, TX; US Army Air Corps WAC, WWII, [w/ 4 sisters & 4 brothers – all military WWII]

Russell Tucker – Saraland, AL; US Army (Ret.), Captain, WWII/US Air Force, Korea, pilot

David Watkins – Colorado Spring, CO; US Army, Vietnam


Personal note – I received my Easter present yesterday, my book, “Three Came Home” by Agnes Keith, looking forward to that after I finish “For Crew and Country” by John Wukovits, which I only just started.

Also – A HAPPY SHOUT OUT  to all the Arkansas veterans!


About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on March 31, 2013, in WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 75 Comments.

  1. Great Easter post gp, enjoyed the pics, one question, the 1940’s seder dinner, is that the family name or an occasion ?


  2. Hope you had a Happy Easter and will have a wonderful spring also, GP. Thanks for the great pictures and your great blog.


  3. Fantastic photos GP. I hope you had a happy Easter 🙂


    • Yes, I did Norma, thank you. It also explains why I’m so late in responding and reading everyone else’s posts!! I do hope you and yours enjoyed the weekend!


  4. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented:
    So nice to remember when!


  5. Very nice touch for vintage Easter and Passover too. Thanks


  6. Hope your Easter weekend was as delightful as your photo gallery. Have to wonder if many today still dress for Easter as they did back then. Beautiful Easter bonnets and dresses certainly left the impression of a lady’s presence. Have to say it still makes me feel good to wear a hat and dress! Just old-fashioned!


    • As far as I can tell – it’s a half-and-half situation. It would be fantastic to see it come back in style, Bev. I think it adds to the happiness.


  7. With so much enthusiastic effort, how could I not enjoy these lovely pictures! Happy Easter!


    • These type posts are a ball of fun for me, Mrs P.!! Somehow I became addicted to this era at a very young age and you can see, it still has a grip on me. Hope the holidays are fun for you!


      • I have had a very busy and happy week…even if I was not on vacation! Last week I went ziplining in a neighborhood park and this past weekend I started a four weekend course of sailing. Despite still learning the ropes, I managed to sail out and return to shore on my own. Don’t know if I will do it for long. It is very strenuous on my older body. I always wanted to try and I am having a blast learning!


  8. Happy Easter, gpcox! One cartoon showed April 1, 1945 – the day when the battle for Okinawa began…

    One thing I just realized after seeing the poster of the ladies dressed in that period’s attire. While maturing into a young adult, watching Bewitched, Father Knows Best, and unknowingly becoming obsessed with WWII, I find the fashion they are wearing to represent femininity. I guess that became my yardstick. ☺


    • It became the yardstick for many, Koji. The clothes accented the figure, enhancing the best features of a woman. So far – you are the only one to notice that date of 1 April 1945 – this post originally did have that information, but since we are still in 1942 in this series, I took it out. Thank you for the well-wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Lovely post. So interesting to see how Easter was celebrated during the wartime years. Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy Easter, GP! I love all the old images. That was a special time in history.


  11. Happy Easter weekend to you. I especially love that 40’s Easter fashion pic, and the ornate Easter egg. Those were the days. 🙂


  12. Lovely Easter post, dear GP Cox! 🙂 We’ve passed it forward to some dear friends whom are seriously into the 40es. This period is very popular in England, lots of 40’s arrangement with dressing up, music, dancing. When the little villages celebrate their 40es weekend, everybody join in with the right hairdo, cars, it’s quite amazing.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!
    Big *hug* Dina, Klausbernd and our two Bookfayries Siri and Selma


    • I’m thrilled to hear that England is so into the 40’s!! It was a great era – it would be even greater to live it – good for them!! I sincerely hope that you, Klausbernd and the 2 Bookfayries had a wonderful holiday!!


  13. Even in war there is humor. We try to smile even with the gut wrenching. It is called the art of war. But it is shaded in black colors with an occasion burst of vision. It is instinctive to the human condition to smile. Thank you for making me smile today.


  14. Aah, Like a magic, you took us travel back to 1940’s Easter with typical nostalgic fashion. I love them! Happy Easter to you, gp.


  15. Happy Easter to you my friend. Especially enjoyed the Ledo Rd. (India) cartoon from ’45.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Many thanks for a Great Easter post. It strikes me that they talk of things going in circles, fashions go round and come round again. If that’s true then it’s time the 40’s made a comeback. So stylish and such femininity then. The jokes made me smile.
    Have a Great Eater.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Happy Easter from NZ

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Reblogged this on pacificparatrooper and commented:



  19. Happy belated Easter! Are these cards from your personal collection or found on internet?
    Maybe you are interested to see these vintage Red Army Day and International Woman’s Day cards from USSR:

    Exhibition of Greeting Cards “A Window to Our Past”. Part 2. Masculine and Feminine


  20. Just to say thank you for visiting my blog and I love the cards etc that you have done for Christmas and Easter, will watch with interest.


    • Thanks, I enjoy the company. If you recall any stories or have info about WWII be sure to leave them. I know this site is mainly the Pacific Theater, but they ALL need to be remembered.


  21. I really like your collection, especially the Easter dresses. My mother was a young teenager in the 1940s, so maybe she dreamed about those dress styles 🙂


  22. Reminded me to my grandma’s fashion.


  23. I was born in the fifties and i miss them but still crudely remember similar ones from my childhood, and interesting to compare what was attractive back then!


  24. What lovely images! I’m a little late but Happy Easter 🙂


  25. Wonderful post! I just love how women used to wear hats and gloves. Happy Easter!


  26. I just love those old ads and cards. Hope you and yours had a blessed Easter.


  27. You have an amazing collection. Thank you for sharing.


  28. While we don’t celebrate it, my best wishes for a Happy Easter for them who do.


    • Thank you. I did put a Passover photo in my post, but I’m afraid I am ignorant of any other religious holidays this time of year. Not religious? Happy Sunday (even if it is Monday morning already)


  29. Happy Easter and I enjoyed the cards and illustrations.


  30. I love these old ads and remember them so well. Happy Easter to you from the Cincinnati area.


  31. How nice. Thank you. Happy Easter!


  32. Pierre Lagacé

    Happy Easter from Quebec


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