Christmas in 1940’s style

Christmas wishes from the '40's and pacificparatrooper

Christmas wishes from the ’40’s and pacificparatrooper

"new movie - just out"

“new movie – just out”

 A wish from all us

A wish from all us

Chesterfield ad with Ronald Reagan

Chesterfield ad with Ronald Reagan

The ole home-cooked dinner

The ole home-cooked dinner

'40's Christmas card

’40’s Christmas card

They even had a pin-up girl

They even had a pin-up girl

Star and Stripes Forever

Star and Stripes Forever

A patriotic 1940's wish

A patriotic 1940’s wish

A very Merry Christmas to all in WWII era style. My best wishes and thanks to those of you who happen to pass this way.

To the Military: My prayers and thanks go to you for your service and we all hope to see you soon.

To those who do not celebrate this holiday: I wish you the good blessing and heartfelt emotions that are symbolized in the season.

About GP

Everett Smith served with the Headquarters Company, 187th Regiment, 11th A/B Division during WWII. This site is in tribute to my father, "Smitty." GP is a member of the 11th Airborne Association. Member # 4511 and extremely proud of that fact!

Posted on December 21, 2012, in Uncategorized, WWII and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 142 Comments.

  1. americanmilitaryfamilymuseum

    Reblogged this on americanmilitaryfamilymuseum.


  2. My dad served with the 284th FAB in WWII, so I enjoyed your blog. Thanks for visiting my blog.


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  4. Thanks for the visit and like on Save Bristol Bay!


  5. What fabulous pictures. I love it.


  6. I love the 40s! Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era. This selection of art from the time is marvelous. Even the clothes back then were great! Thanks for sharing this.


  7. Thank you for visiting my blog! Stories here are so interesting! Will follow!


  8. Wonderful post! I love all the old pictures. I found this because you liked my Memorial Day 2013 post. Have a great Memorial Day!


  9. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love the old photos,history lives on in pictures. For the past three years I immersed myself in studying the period of the thirties and forties, a very unique time in world history.


  10. I’m new to your blog, drawn because you like mine, “In search of unusual destinations”. Just to say: this blog, for a UK citizen who was born following WW2, is itself a most unusual destination – but one I shall return to. You have amassed some remarkable material. All good wishes for the future. Phil.


    • I thank you for your comments and for reading. Like you, I know only what I was taught in school about the war in Europe, until I began reading other blogs and looking into some of the events. Ditto on the good wishes.


  11. Ronald Reagan advertising for Chesterfields… I magnified the Greyhound ad; the message indicated it had to be in ’45. A glimpse into a far different reality. Thanks.


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